


Myrna Jordan

On November 11, 2010, at age 74, Myrna Jordan launched the expansion of Our Daily Bread, the Hammond-based food bank she has directed for nearly a decade. With the acquisition of a large, conveniently located warehouse, Myrna and her staff of volunteers expect to significantly increase the volume of donated food they can accept, store and distribute to those in need.

Some say success grows from a mix of drive, commitment and confidence — qualities that can be found in people at almost any age. But leading a primarily volunteer organization that prepares, packages and delivers nearly two million pounds of food to the needy every year — and then expanding that organization to help even more people — takes something more. It takes a relentless eye for opportunity. But even more than that, it takes a certain level of understanding and skill to wrest the most from each of those opportunities.

Today as a volunteer, Myrna is doing more to help her community than she ever could in her youth. 30, 40 or 50 years ago, Myrna didn’t have the understanding and skill she has now. She didn’t have the experience. Or the contact list. Myrna has amassed a lifetime-long list of connections. And she has developed and honed an instinctual knowledge of whom to call, when and how to ask for whatever she needs. Thanks to Myrna’s drive, focus and ability, countless people in Tangipahoa Parish have food on their tables today. And more will tomorrow. That’s Excellence Through Experience®.

Myrna Jordan… Peoples Health Champion.

“I love helping people and I see myself doing it for a long time.”

Myrna Jordan

If you think about it, you probably know a Champion.

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