


Harold Batiste

In 2004, at the age of 73, Harold Battiste, Jr. launched the AFO Foundation, an organization dedicated to documenting and perpetuating the rich heritage of New Orleans music and the people who make the music. Supporting local musicians and historians through www.afofoundation.org, this invaluable resource continues the legacy created when he founded AFO (“All For One”) Records in 1961.

All For One. What better name for an organization that channels all aspects of local music into one, central resource? An archive of the last 50 years of jazz. A source of jazz lectures and seminars for students of all ages. A networking center that nurtures the next generation of local musicians.

Harold’s international fame and a famously productive career are undisputed. His success as a producer and arranger is legendary – Sam Cooke, Barbara George and Dr. John launched their careers through his guidance. He produced Sonny and Cher’s pivotal “I Got You Babe” and served as musical director of their TV series. These accomplishments, though great, have done nothing to overshadow Harold Battiste’s tireless advocacy of local music and culture.

Mr. Battiste is increasingly passionate about the value of education. Embracing his role as teacher and mentor, Harold has cultivated young musicians at universities across the globe – a labor of love he continues today through his work at AFO.

A lifetime of mastering a craft from all of its angles—as a student, a professional and now as a teacher—created a unique perspective of what future generations must be taught. Such is the perspective of Harold Battiste. The music of his life rings clear, sweet and true: remember and recognize the artists and their music; share it as a beacon to guide our children.

Excellence through experience and educating through experience.

This is Harold Battiste, Jr., Peoples Health Champion.

“There are many things I can do now at age 76 that I couldn’t do when I was 26, 46 or even 66.”

Harold Batiste

“There are many things I can do now at age 76 that I couldn’t do when I was 26, 46 or even 66.”

Harold Batiste

If you think about it, you probably know a Champion.

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