2021 Champions

Alice Hondzinski
In 2019, at age 80, Alice Hondzinski led a team that created 3,400 hand-crafted stuffed bears for needy and hospitalized children throughout the Greater Baton Rouge area.

Leona Tate
On November 14, 1960, four 6-year-old black girls, escorted by Federal marshals through shouting crowds, integrated a pair of all-white schools in New Orleans. Leona Tate was one of the four.

Jimmy Anselmo
On February 13, 2016, at age 71, Jimmy Anselmo held the first in a series of benefit concerts to raise prostate cancer awareness and funds for research.

Dr. Herman Kelly
On June 16, 2019, at age 65, Dr. Herman Kelly represented the State of Louisiana in swimming at the National Games for Seniors in Albuquerque, NM. He had only started swimming competitively again the year before.

Howard Rodgers
On June 12, 2018 at age 65, Howard Rodgers, formed the New Orleans Council on Aging Community Choir.

Martine & Nathan Naquin
In October 2019, at ages 67 and 68, Martine and Nathan Naquin won their divisions in doubles tennis. And this wasn’t the 65+ category.

Jean Ramsey
On July 11, 2016, at age 65, Jean Ramsey became an exercise instructor. She teaches line dance and aerobic dance. Before the pandemic, she was teaching 14 to 17 classes a week.