2024 Champions
Beverly Bahle
On November 3, 2024, at age 70, Beverly Bahle completed one of the world’s most prestigious marathons: New York City.
In sheer numbers, it’s the biggest.
Beverly didn’t just complete it; she trained a younger runner to finish it as his first full marathon. For those not familiar, a full marathon is 26.2 miles.
Training in the south for a fall marathon is brutal. For Beverly, that training started six months before the actual race and lasted through the heat of the New Orleans summer. It meant getting up at 4 a.m. and running by 5 to beat the heat, increasing the run distance every week. Her training paid off.
Beverly didn’t get involved in running until she was in her 40s. She ran her first full marathon at age 45. At the time, she really didn’t expect to be running marathons at age 70. In fact, at age 65, she went to Greece to compete in what she thought would be her last big run: the original marathon course from the town Marathon to Athens. Now, at age 70, she’s looking forward to her next race.
Marathons, she says, teach you not to quit.
You can see in Beverly’s strength, her confidence, her determination, that she approaches life with that same won’t-give-up attitude. That approach is contagious. It’s inspiring. And it’s why Peoples Health and the New Orleans Saints are proud to honor Beverly Bahle as a Peoples Health Champion.
“Marathons teach you not to quit”
If you think about it, you probably know a Champion.
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